
There and Back Again

27 October 2023 (programming retrochallenge retrochallenge2023 retro homelab)

So here we are, with a couple days to go until the deadline, with a text adventure game that is roughly 22 KB in size, targeting a machine with 16 KB of RAM.

One thing to try would be to start trimming content. This is a straightforward idea: if we can remove messages and pieces of the script, then the size goes down. We know that the "empty" game (i.e. just the engine plus its runtime memory usage) is 2 KB, so by the intermediate value theorem, if we remove enough content, the size at some point will get below 16 KB.

But removing content from a text adventure game is not as easy as it might first sound, if you only have a couple days remaining to do that plus finish the engine plus do enough testing to make sure the game can still be finished. The reason for that is that most of the rooms, almost all objects, and most possible interactions are all there as part of some puzzle, with the whole game's start and end connected through a chain of the puzzles. Remove something and you might break a link and make the game unplayable. Perhaps even worse is if technically it doesn't become unplayable, but you remove something that contains the crucial information that would prompt the player to come up with a solution, and thus instead of a puzzle, now you have a "guess the random input you need to type in" game.

The other way to make the game smaller is to cut it in half: take some mid-point event, and turn that into the winning condition. This should allow you to remove all the rooms that are normally available only after that mid-point event; then, you can remove the scripts that are keyed to the removed rooms; and then you can remove the messages that are not referenced by the remaining scripts anymore.

To pull this off, you need a good middle point that makes sense as the new game not just technically, but narratively as well. Luckily, I've found such a point in The Revenge. So the original game's plot (spoiler alert for a 35-year-old Hungarian text adventure game!) is that random Japanese rural dude is sent to fetch water, arrives back to find his village razed and burned by some evil local warlord, and swears revenge (TITLE DROP!). Goes to the city, finds the warlord's mansion, but surprise surprise, it's heavily guarded. So after some local adventuring the protagonist ends up on a ship to China, living in a monastery for a while acquiring stamina through rigorous exercise, then learns kung-fu from an old master whose daughter he saves from bandits. Armed with deadly fists, he returns to Japan on a perilious trek through shark-infested waters on a dinghy, infiltrates the mansion and finally confronts the evil warlord. Standard kung-fu B movie plot.

On the one hand, the good news is that there is a very natural way to split this into two episodes: the first episode can end with the protagonist learning kung-fu, leaving the actual confrontation with the Big Bad to the second episode. On the other hand, as you can see from this structure, you don't actually get to remove half the locations by just keeping half the game, because the second half mostly consists of coming back to Japan and revisiting the same places, just now with the ability to defeat opponents in hand-to-hand combat.

On the gripping hand, we don't need to cut down our memory usage by half -- we just need to reduce it by 6 KB, or 30% of our original 20 KB asset size. That should be doable.

For the technical details, the idea is the following. First of all, let's briefly look at what the game script looks like. Here's some example bytecode that scripts a single interactive response.

1d            Length of second room's scripts, for easy indexing
10            Length of next script, for easy skipping if the input doesn't match
3a 78 00      Matches user input consisting of word 3a "fill" and 78 "bucket"
08 78 02      If item 78 is not here (in inventory or in current room), print message 2 and end
06 0a 29      If variable 0a is not 0, print message 29 and end
04 0a         Set variable 0a to ff
02 04         Print message 4
14 0b         Play chime 0b
00            End

05            Length
33 a4 00      Input: 33 "swim" a4 "river"
0c 03         Go to location 03 "island"

04            Length
02 00         Input: 02 "northeast"
0c 04         Go to location 04 "hillside above village"

00            End of handlers for room 2

15            Length of room 3's handlers
...           Room 3's script

(I should note here that since my HomeLab-2 version has no "multimedia", all bytecode operations like show picture P or play chime C are stripped during conversion.)

Now let's suppose we wanted the game to end in this room without the ability to progress to the island. We can remove the second handler in its entirety (saving 6 bytes in the process), and then statically re-traverse the remaining bytes to find all go to location X commands. When viewing the result as a directed graph, we will see that room 03 is no longer reachable from the starting location, and so we can throw away the script in the next 22 (including the length) bytes. Then we can build similar accessibility information from the remaining bytecode, this time not for the rooms, but for the messages. For example, message 29 is definitely needed (since it is referenced in room 2), but there might be other messages that are only referenced in the 22 bytes we've just thrown away.

By the way, for some eye candy, here's what the map looks like. The left-hand side shows the original map. Rooms 8 to 13 and 70 to 76 comprise two of those super annoying mazes that old text adventure games were keen to include. The right-hand side shows the map of The Revenge Episode 1, i.e. my cut-in-half HomeLab-2 version. Simplifying the episode one maze didn't really save much space since all the constituent rooms use the same text descriptions, but I think skipping them simply makes the game better.

Of course, there are also location-agnostic interaction scripts involving carriable items; since with the changes to the map, I already fit into memory (if just barely), and time was quickly running out, I decided not to bother pruning the scripting of items that are not aquirable in the first half of the game.

So I had a fully playable game with even enough space left to implement a simple in-memory gamestate saving facility, which is useful because there are quite some lethal situations in the game. At this point I had one day (a Sunday) remaining, and I thought it was going to be smooth sailing: my plan was to play through the modified script in a desktop interpreter (with replaying and checkpointing capabilities) to make sure the game is winnable, convert it to a WAV file for deployment, and send it in.

Join me in the next post to read why that last day was anything BUT smooth sailing. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN!

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